Infidelity and Affair Recovery

2223122873Unfaithfulness impacts relationships.

Wrapping yourself securely in your spouse’s arms was once the warmest place you’ve ever been. Nothing could come in between the two of you. But since the infidelity, that warm embrace has gone ice cold.

It’s hard to eat, sleep, and even pray anymore. Someone did come in between the two of you, and now you’re questioning everything.

Your marriage is in a very fragile place right now, and I’m here to help you both heal your wounded hearts.

The helping process depends on your commitment.

First, I will work with each of you to reach an agreement on the direction of the relationship.

If each of you has decided that you want to commit to making the relationship work, we’ll move into the process of healing and reconciliation. If you’re not there yet or one of you is considering divorce, then we’ll enter discernment counseling, which you can read about on my website as well.

Suppose the decision is to make the marriage work. In that case, I will integrate psychological best practices and biblical principles of healthy relationship building and reconciliation to help you heal your relationship.

I don’t take his side or her side, the offended or the offender’s side. I’m on the side of your marriage healing and being a safe place for both of you again.

1676522449Exploring God’s word is a great place to start.

Psalm 147:3 says of God, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” So, we must explore what that means and how God does it. Affairs don’t heal identically because no affair is identical. There are different categories of affairs, and each requires a different treatment. Once I learn more about the details, we can make a good plan together for what to do next.

The gospel is about the good news of God restoring his relationship with humankind after the betrayal of their sin and breaking their relationship with Him. Think back to Adam and Eve. He gave them everything they would ever need, and they threw it away over a lie and a false promise.

God poured out His love to the Hebrews by leading them out of Egypt and across the Dead Sea. They returned His love by worshiping a statue of an idol. It’s easy to look at them and wonder, “What were they thinking?” But when you’re honest with yourself, you can see how you’ve broken God’s holy rules and put yourself in the doghouse with Him, too. Yet His mercy is great, and His forgiveness is good. So, if He can forgive and reconcile with us after we’ve done Him a significant amount of pain, we can figure out how to forgive and reconcile with our spouse.

There are consequences for not seeking help.

It’s tempting to wait another day or see how things go, but you’re fragile. Therefore, delaying can make things worse.

Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”

Delaying the healing of your marriage for connection, acceptance, romance, and companionship could be feeding the temptation to step out and find those things from someone else again. Depression can spiral further downward, or hopelessness can start to set in.

By acting quickly, we can get your love life on the right track again.

Reach out for help today!

To get started, call me today for a free 15-minute consultation.

We’ll discuss your story, how I can help, and get you scheduled for your first appointment.

Redeeming your love story is possible, and you can enjoy the embrace of your spouse once again.