Where is your office located?

My office address is:

6500 Greenville Avenue, Suite 430
Dallas, TX 75206

It’s close to I-75 and Northwest Highway.

What are your office hours?
I am available by appointment Monday through Friday from 9 am to 7 pm.
How long are your sessions?
Each session is 45 minutes long. If it’s your first session, the intake session is typically a double session that’s 90 minutes long, so we have enough time to go over introductions and questions, and I have enough time to get a good grasp of your story.
How do I set up an appointment?
New clients will need to make an appointment by calling (972) 399-9780.
What is your cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel your appointment, please do so quickly. You need to make cancellations via phone or email. Cancellations within less than 24 hours from the appointment time will result in a full charge for the appointment.

I will cancel your first session if your paperwork is not completed by 10 pm the night before your first appointment. I need that paperwork completed to be ready to give you my best as a therapist, so we’ll need to reschedule if your paperwork is incomplete.

Do I have to be a Christian to work with Luminous Christian Counseling?

No, not all my clients would say they are Christians, but they come to me because they want to hear the Bible’s perspective and Christian values. Sometimes, one person in the relationship is a practicing Christian, the other isn’t, and they’re benefitting from trying to understand where their believing spouse is coming from.

Think of Luminous Christian Counseling as something like eating at an Italian restaurant. You don’t have to be Italian to eat at an Italian restaurant, and nobody’s at the door bouncing you out to the street without a 23 and Me report and proof of Italian heritage.

Ultimately, it’s more important to me that you know where I stand and what’s on my menu, than where you currently are in your spiritual life.

If you visit an authentic Italian restaurant, you will expect authentic Italian food. The menu will have the best Italian food you’ve ever tasted and savory Italian spices. But if you see the menu is 100% Italian food and order chimichangas and a grilled cheese sandwich, I’ll tell you upfront that I don’t have that on my menu.

So likewise, if you’re looking for counseling from a biblical perspective, we can do that. But I can’t change my menu if you want help with something biblically unethical. I’ll do my best to give you a reference to another restaurant that will have what you’re looking for on their menu.

Do you have a statement of faith?

I go by the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. Here’s a link that explains each point and the scripture where it comes from: https://bfm.sbc.net/bfm2000/

Do you work with women, men, or couples?
I work with men and women, dating couples, married couples, and couples in crisis and contemplating divorce.
What age ranges do you work with?
I work with adults that are at least 18 years old.
Will you work with my teenager? They need to see you.
I will work with you regarding parenting and guiding your teen, but I don’t work with teenagers as clients unless they are at least 18 years of age and the primary client.
Will you keep a secret from my spouse for me if we're in couples therapy?

I have a “No Secrets” policy in couples counseling. If you tell me something by email, over the phone, or outside of the presence of your spouse, you need to assume that your spouse will know the details of what we discussed. I’ll try to allow you to share it first, but I will if necessary. Remember, I’m working on the health of your relationship, not keeping secret knowledge from one of you. You also wouldn’t want to be outed by the counselor on something important. So, don’t tell me if you don’t want your spouse to know.

What do you do in sessions with clients?
Once we get seated, I’ll offer to open in prayer, and we’ll get started. If it’s your first session, I’ll ask many questions and learn about you and your history, so I know how to help. After that, we will take practical steps, and I’ll give you reading or behavioral exercises to practice during and after the session.
Do your clients receive assignments between sessions?
Absolutely. It’ll either be a reading assignment or a behavioral assignment.
What modalities do you use?
I use Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.
What's your professional training and experience?
I’m a certified Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts facilitator, an excellent premarital and marriage enrichment program. I’m also trained in discernment counseling for couples in crisis. For marriage ministry, I’ve led a good marriage class for 8+ years. I also learn by reading and attending conferences and trainings.
What else must a client know to make the most out of working with you?
You’ve got to be willing to work and do your homework.
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
“Nothing but the Blood” from Shai Linne. I would need that reminder of the goodness of the gospel to a good “boom bap” beat. I almost said the Stickerbrush Symphony song from Donkey Kong Country 2. It was a close second.
What's your favorite pet you've ever had?
I had a fantastic dog named Sparky as a kid. He was a golden rescue cocker spaniel and the most chill dog I’ve ever seen. He looked like Big Bird’s dog Barkley on Sesame Street. I only heard him bark once, and he wouldn’t eat unless other people were in the room. He would hang out and put his head under my hand so I could pet him.
My spouse, boo, or kids have never watched Star Wars, and I don't know how to get them started. What order do we watch the movies in?
My favorite way to introduce Star Wars to new viewers is “The Machete Method.” This method centers everything around Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker’s history and keeps most surprises in good order to reveal them.

1) Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope
2) Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back
3) Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
4) Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
5) Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi

You skipped some movies! What about Disney Plus shows?
Listen, if your spouse doesn’t care about Star Wars, you must play the long game here. You know you don’t need to watch Episode 1 to understand the history of Luke Skywalker. You can pop it in there after “The Empire Strikes Back” if you want to, but if you risk losing their interest or attention, drop it. Go back to Episode 1 and Rogue One later. Don’t turn on any of that Disney Plus Maclunkey, either. Just finish the machete method and see what interests them after that.
Do you like cooking with propane or charcoal?
Charcoal tastes so much better, but it takes so much longer. So I prefer charcoal for sure, but don’t mind using propane when I need to. Sorry, Hank Hill!
Who is better at basketball, Michael Jordan or LeBron James?
Michael Jordan went 22-22 on field goals in his Space Jam movie, and LeBron James went 4-5 in his, so I’m sure that’s all we need to know.