Discernment Counseling

Emergency Marriage Counseling
When Divorce Is on the Table

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Facing despair and betrayal over the thought of a failed marriage can be overwhelming. When marriages are in crisis, it’s supposed to be painful.

The Bible describes marriage as two becoming one, and by design, we are not to separate that sacred bond without damaging each other further. That’s why God hates divorce because of how it damages us. So, in the middle of your crisis, let’s take a breather together before more damage occurs.

Finding yourself in the middle of a crisis often brings out quick and desperate decisions that people regret later, just because they were looking for a sense of change or relief.

Divorce doesn’t have to be the immediate next step. By design, discernment counseling helps you figure out what to do next.

Here’s how short-term discernment counseling works.

Discernment counseling is a short-term, 1-5 session counseling program designed to help everyone slow down, figure out what’s happening, and make a fully informed decision on whether to keep the status quo, work to improve the marriage, or pursue a divorce.

Suppose you’re a couple coming to counseling, and one is not committed to making the marriage work. In that case, discernment counseling is a better place to start than traditional couples counseling for exploring why. We must establish the relationship’s trajectory before traditional couples counseling occurs. It takes two to tango, especially when divorce is on the table, so we must first settle this part.

2100680140Moving forward on the same page is critical.

You can’t work together as a team if someone’s already jumping ship. If one of you already has a left foot in and the other has their left foot out, you’re not ready for traditional couples counseling. You’re doing the hokey pokey, and the stability of your marriage is shaking all about.

Regular couples counseling is not very effective in this context because someone with their eye on the eject button is knowingly or unknowingly undermining the counseling by making moves to escape the relationship. Discernment counseling is designed to get you both on a well-lit path and plan vs. stumbling in the darkness.

So, let’s discern the relationship in detail together, infuse it with the light of God’s truth and love, and plan for what to do next. After that, we can work on topics like healing, forgiveness, respect, and boundaries.

Get started.

Call today for your free 15-minute consultation to get started with discernment counseling.

Tell me about your situation and what led you to this point. After that, I can answer any questions and schedule you for your first session.